How can it be that Tom and Kay have been married (nearly) a year already? This is madness! This for many reasons was our most favourite wedding of the year. The pressure was also on more than normal. Tom is Owens brother. Number three in a run of five! We were photographing their special day, Owen was an usher (with photography duties!), our children were flower girl and page boy. It was a special special day.
These guys chose to marry in Dale. A very special place for them both. The had their ceremony at Dale church with their reception in a marquee at Kays mums home. It felt like help came from every angle and despite the awful weather in the morning the day couldn’t have been any more perfect. When the sun did decide to show its face we had a little break up to West Dale and then wondered back down into Dale for a few iconic Dale views.
Photographing a wedding of someone you hold dear is so precious, you want to be in the moment and also capture moments which mean the most and will make to your couple too. Battling through tears of laughter seemed to be the hardest part. Oh man we laughed, we laughed so hard. You’ll see why as you look through these photos. The party was off the scale - dance offs, crowdsurfing, old and young making moves.
Tom and Kay, we love you. We loved your day and we love that we get to celebrate with you every step of your marriage. Thank you for trusting us to capture your special celebration. Thank you for the space to be us at your wedding and for making us put down out cameras to dance with you guys. xx