Lester and Ceri, fondly known to us as "Uncle Lettuce and Auntie Cezzie". Yes, this is the day that my little sister got married and I got myself a new brother (in law)!!!! This day was far from our normal wedding, not just for the reason that the bride was my sister. We photographed the wedding and I was a bridesmaid and our beautiful daughter was a flowergirl. After a night of horrific vomiting from our daughter we wondered if we would actually make the wedding at all (not that this was ever not an option in our heads!). Lester and Ceri had decided that they wanted to see each other before their wedding ceremony, so getting ready photos were planned and then we were to meet in the memorial gardens for a "first look" shoot. If you've not heard about this its because its more of an american idea, but one that works totally well in this country if you are happy to see each other before you get wed. This was so perfect for these guys and allowed them to enjoy the rest of the day with limited time away from their guests. After a short, but very personal, emotive and special service the rest of the day was taken up with time together, food and celebration. My sister, obviously very beautiful, is also a very talented musician. She surprised Lester with a rendition of "My Favourite You" by Gabe Dixon (beautiful song, if you've not heard it, have a listen). They also chose to give out mixer CDs to all their guests, with a selection of tunes from their day and tunes that the love. Its played in our house regularly when we re-enact the wedding! Genuis idea and a great reminder of a special day.
Seeing my sister get married to such a wonderful man was more amazing than I ever thought it would be, but what is even greater for us, is that we get to do life with these guys, we get to hang out, now all the wedding pressure is off and we are family. Thank you so much Uncle Lettuce for choosing Cezzie as your wife and choosing to join our family. We love you both and are so excited for all that God has planned for you together. You two are such an awesome team and we think you're both wonderful! xx o&c (&f too!)